Should I attend University of Arizona

I have been offered admission in Computer Science for Fall 2017 as an international applicant. I just have a few questions before deciding whether I should attend.

  1. How is the atmosphere on the campus? Is it lively?
  2. Are the professors enthusiastic? (especially during freshman year)
  3. How is the social scene? Do people make friends easily?
  4. How is the diversity on the campus?
  5. Is Tucson a good city for students? Please elaborate on this one.

That is all I can think of right now.


Where else have you been admitted and is it affordable?
Were you admitted to the honors college?

I applied for CS to all universities. I have been admitted to SJSU and Virginia Tech (not offered engineering at VT, so won’t be attending). I am waiting for my decision from U of Utah. I have also been waitlisted at Purdue and UMN Twin Cities.
No, I have not been admitted to the honors college at U of Arizona.
“Is it affordable?”: Cost of attendance is not a factor.

Did you get direct admit to CS at SJSU? In that case, that’s what I’d pick since it’s stronger than UA in CS.
However, it is a commuter campus and housing off campus is extremely expensive.
UA’s benefits would be the more residential nature of the campus, which would allow an international student to “fit in” faster + have ready housing/food.
Email both Purdue and UMNTC to reiterate your interest in their university and their program.
If you applied to CS in Engineering at UMN, say you’d like to switch to the CS BA, hoping to minor in … (< whatever minor sounds interesting in CLA). That would increase your odds.

Yes, I got admitted directly to CS at SJSU. As far as housing is concerned, there IS on-campus housing at SJSU. In fact, international students are required to live on-campus during their freshman year. I think I will most likely attend SJSU, unless I get into Purdue or UMN.

Yes, there is on-campus housing, and it’s essential you live there, but… off campus housing in subsequent years will be difficult to arrange. But it’s the best choice in terms of CS program.
UMN and Purdue would be better in terms of high academics and excellent campus life.

SJSU is going to be the best choice for you. It’s in the heart of Silicon Valley so there is heavy recruitment there, vs. UA (where my son attended for the college campus feel). SJSU is a commuter school and the campus is not as nice. From a career perspective, SJSU is a more practical choice, although there will be a lot of Asian competition in academics. It’s also an overall better choice than UA. Californians are much, much more friendly than Arizonans and there is nothing at all to do in Tucson, and nothing nearby. At least in SJ, there are lively suburbs and SF is 45-minute drive north, but you can also take the train. Message me with any questions.