Should I be able to get in?

<p>I'm a junior right now who lives in the suburbs of the twin cities and goes to a competitive high school. What chance should I have under these stats?
Background: middle class Somali American
GPA: 3.77 W and 3.7 UW
Classes: Took AP World History last year. I'm taking AP Language and APUSH this year along with college level psychology. I might take 3+ weighted classes next year as well.
Class rank: none due to inflation problems
E.C.: In general, okay. But in College Confidential standards, not so good. I took band freshmen year and I'm holding a leadership position at UNICEF Club. I'm also active in Key Club and I'm going to do track and field this year.
So what do you think? I know it's a bit too early for a junior like me to talk about chances but I'm just being curious. Plus, it's my dream school! However, it seems to me that I would be somewhere between a high match to a match for this college. If I end up getting a 28 on the ACT (which I'm taking in three weeks), what do you think my chances would be?</p>

<p>By the way, if you're attending this college, please answer this so that I could get a more realistic answer!</p>


<p>28 gets you 50-50 or better.Probably considered int rather than African American.</p>

<p>“Should” is not the word I would choose. The reality is that many students who would do fine at UW won’t get in because there are too many students who apply compared to the available space. Your posted gpa and ACT scores put you in that vast middle pile of students who should get into UW, but not all will. One certainty- you can’t get in if you don’t apply. It is worth the time and money for you to apply, be sure to get your best recommendations and write your best essays.</p>

<p>Well like I said before, I’m still a junior so I still have time to bump the GPA. The ACT score was to see if I could get in with that. In reality, I’m trying to aim for a 25+ for the first one. Then I could take some classes and hope to get a 30+ by June. Thanks!</p>

<p>I think they have rolling admissions, so your chances would probably be better the earlier you apply, assuming your junior year grades are strong.</p>

<p>Okay. Thanks for the tip!</p>

<p>Chances of getting in for fall 2014?</p>

<p>high school gpa 3.5 out of 4.0
took some college credits in high school
extremely involved with sports,clubs, and volunteering </p>

small private school in mn
im taking: (17 credits)
college writing
dynamic and health movement
projected gpa 3.7-4.0 out of 4.0 this semester
I plan on taking chem, calc or stats and a history class
i plan on taking about 15-17 credits for spring semester</p>

<p>ill have about 41 credits at the end of the year</p>

<p>ill have two letters of rec
pretty good essays
not going to submit act (kinda low) or should i???
still involved with sports and volunteering</p>

<p>good chances???</p>

<p>I would think you would be considered African American a d that will help.</p>