Should I be deeply concerned?

<p>So, I completed my WP application at the end of January. I turned in everything and even received the Principal nominiation from my congressman. However, I get an e-mail from a lady (some time later) who deals with my apllication and she tells me that my Math SOE was lost and that I had to get it re-done. I faxed a copy of it to the fax number that I was given this past friday but apparently it hasn't been received yet. When it does make it there (naturally before the deadline), what will the chances be like there after. Has this happened to anybody else? What do you guys think will happen as a result? I turned in everything a while ago. But now, because of this, I don't want admissions to thnik that I waited untill the last minute when in fact is wasn't my fault. Any advise or opinion would be appreciated... Thanks!</p>

<p>The nomination process is separate from the WP admissions process.
You must complete your admissions file at WP before it is reviewed by the admissions review board (which usually meets on a Tuesday). This process is to see if you are "qualified for an offer of admission".<br>
I'm guessing that when WP received notice that you had received your nomination they pulled your file, realised it was not complete, and asked for the additional information. Once they have the information they need, the review board will review your file and determine if you are medically, physically and academically qualified.
Since you already have a Principal Nomination - if you are found to be qualified for an offer of admission you should be eligible for an immediate offer.
Good luck!
PS. Advice is always to get your application packet completed as early as possible - candidates should not wait until close to the deadline</p>

<p>hey the same exact thing happened to me! i had my math teacher turn in the evaluation in october, and in early january i got an email and letter telling me that they didnt receive it. however, on the website to check my application status it showed that it was in. kinda weird....but a week after i got the math evaluation faxed, i got a letter of acceptance. sooo, this problem won't really matter and doesnt really affect your admissions chances. hang in there. you'll get that letter of appointment really soon. =)</p>

<p>I received an e-mail saying that they have the copy of the Math SOE that I faxed. The lady said that now I just have to wait to be contacted. Just out of curiosity, how long did it take for you guys to hear back after you sent in everything?</p>

<p>I completed my application in October and got my appointment on January 29.</p>