Should I be initimidated by the new acceptance rate?

<p>Hello, I'm a very paranoid high school junior and am very interested in TCU but I know that the acceptance rate recently went down to 38% due to the football team popularity.
Now, I'm really nervous about getting accepted.
I'm hispanic. ( I don't think that helps)
I'm very confident with my writing so I plan on doing well on the application essay.
I got a 1780 on my SAT& a 28 on the ACT & plan on retaking it.
3.4 GPA
Top 10%
Also, I'm taking 4 AP classes this year&will be taking 6 next year.</p>

<p>Should I even apply? :(</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that the 38% acceptance rate was last year’s stat. Can anyone confirm or tell us what the rate is for this year? Or is it too early to tell because we have to wait until all the wait list offers have been made?</p>