<p>My friend only got into UC Santa Cruz because of a problem with his application and I got into UCSC, USSB, AND UCD. The problem is that he wants me to go to Santa Cruz with him, he says that Santa Cruz has one of the best biological programs in the world and that it would be easier to get into medical school that way. I don't know if I should believe him because the other UC's I have got into are higher ranked than Santa Cruz. Please Help!
Or would it even matter what college I go to to get into Med School. Would they look at Davis or Santa Barbara before they would look at Santa Cruz?</p>
<p>If you want to go to UCSC and be with your friend then go there. All of those schools are respected in science-related fields....I'm sure if you work hard and do well you will have no problem getting into med school....!!!!!</p>
<p>Don't feel pressured because your friend wants you to go to UCSC...maybe you should explore the colleges to see what's the best match for you.</p>
<p>yes....and people say ucsc is wierd....if you wanna go to SB then just go there</p>
<p>Well, my cousin graduated from UCR and was admitted to NYU Dental School. So it seems like any UC is an advantage when you apply out of state.</p>