<p>Ok...so i've been deferred..
I was wondering if calling the regional admission officer is okay....?
can I ask "why was I deferred?" would she even anwer my question..?
I'm afraid that if i ask, she'll think i'm nagging her...
ahhhh some suggestions, please!</p>
<p>i think the consensus across the boards is to have your GC call first</p>
<p>From everything I have ever seen you should call.</p>
<p>You should call but don't phrase your question like that. First ask something like, "I was wondering if there was any advice you could give me now that I've been deferred", and if all you get is a general response, THEN you can ask something like, "What areas of my application did the adcom have concerns with?"</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>