Should I call the admissions office?

My dad keeps on pushing me to call the admissions person who went over my application to tell him or her how much I love Virginia tech. I have always dreamed of going here and I’ve basically always been obsessed but got deferred ED and didn’t hear back in February. I’ve never wanted anything this much, but I don’t think I should call. I think I will come off like I’m complaining and that I think a little call will fix everything and guarantee me a spot. plus it’s probably already too late, they probably went over my application already. The fact that I applied ED also shows that I love it. Plus it’s not like a regular school like rutgers or umass where people just go and enjoy it, they probably know that everybody loves Virginia Tech just as much as I do so my call won’t do anything

@thearmadillo As a parent, I agree with your dad. Just be careful on how you handle the call. You may want to call and just reiterate that you are still very interested and VT is definitely still your 1st choice. Just keep a positive attitude. It is very possible that you will be accepted in the next round in a few days. Those that were accepted in the 1st RD round were all accepted into their 1st choice and may also have been accepted if they had applied ED. Admissions also said that it was only a small group that was accepted last round. Most will get their decisions in the next wave. If your application had not been competitive, you would have been rejected in the ED round. Stay positive! I hope you hear back in next wave. Good Luck!

Your ED application probably speaks volumes more than any annoying phone call

Don’t quote me! But I think that everyone who got deferred ED doesn’t hear back until this Friday… not just you! So don’t panic! :slight_smile:

I would not call. Your ED application shows your strong interest. During Freshman Orientation, in the parent-only session, they discuss parents who call the university and you can tell they don’t like all the extra, non-emergency calls. No one has mentioned this in the posts that I have seen but, in past years, I thought most/all of the students who were notified in February were out-of-state students. I sure hope you get good news this Friday.

Maybe you could compromise and send an email. Believe me… the last thing an admissions officer wants this week is a call from an applicant to profess their interest. Do you have any new accomplishments since your ED app went in? You could describe those and reiterate your interest at the same time.

@intparent I got straight A’s and only A- but they’ll see that in my mid year report.

I think I should just leave it up to chance and hope they see that I am doing great this year and applied ED

So no EC awards or accomplishments? While I would not call, I can say that your dad will always say that you didn’t get in because you didn’t call if it doesn’t work out. Which is why you might send an email. If you can say that you WILL attend if accepted (no matter what the financial aid shows, for example), then it is worth communicating that. (But if your attendance is dependent on what happens with your other colleges, or the FA package, then you can only reiterate your strong interest). Odds really are that they have already decided about you anyway and it wouldn’t matter either way, since from posts above it sounds like are only 5 working days away from the release of decisions.

Every high school, both in-state and out-of-state, has a VT Admissions representative assigned to it. A compromise might be to have your HS Counselor call the Admission representative for your high school. It is possible that your counselor has a business reason to call VT anyway, which could create an opening to speak about your status.