Should I cancel my scores?

<p>Will colleges see that I cancelled my scores? I have/had a cold...and I took the SAT yesterday. I just don't think I did very well. Now, I did prepare for it. Which is why I...gahhh. I didn't concentrate enough on the Critical Reading sections and I guessed on a few
My main concern will be if colleges will see it...the canceling..</p>

<p>Superscore! It doesn’t matter if you do bad unless the college you’re applying too looks at all the scores. Plus, there’s the new Score Choice rule on College Board so it’s the same thing.</p>

<p>Colleges don’t see the canceling. However, there is this new thing for all SAT I and SAT II tests that allow you to send whatever score you want to colleges (AKA you could send only your highest score or if you are insane send only your lowest score). I wouldn’t cancel it; you probably did much better than you think and it doesn’t even matter in the long run.</p>

<p>^ I took the test with strep. So I wasn’t at my best. But I don’t see the need to cancel the score. You probably did better than you thought.</p>

<p>If you’re a junior I would personally cancel. If you’re like me and tend to know how well you do on tests and feel you did poorly, you’ll regret not canceling it later on. I’m a senior who took the SAT twice with basically no practice and definitely regret it (have two bad scores on my record and colleges don’t like you to take it many times). You have tons of time to retake, so I would just do it. The only negative side is that you wasted some money.</p>

<p>p.s. I heard the score option will begin in March. And some colleges still want all scores sent.</p>