This year i did not receive work-study so i contacted the school and they said that in order for me to get work-study they have to reduce the federal subsidized loan amount, it would be swap from loan to work-study up to $3.500 and they can reallocate the rest of loan eligibility to Federal unsubsidized loan. I’m applying for 2 on campus jobs that say work-study preferred but not necessary. Should i get work-study to get the job or keep the loan and get the job without work-study? Which is the better option?
Thank you
^Work study
Do you need the money up front? Work study dollars are not paid to you until you earn them.
I’d keep the subsidized loan and take a non work study job rather than a work study job with an unsubsidized loan.
^^^ what @Madison85 said.
Plus, you might be able to earn more at the non-work study job than what they have allotted to you.