Should I choose WUSL?

<p>I am facing the choice of WUSL or Dartmouth. Both places cost me the same (WUSL actually offers me about 2K a year as scholarship, but given the total amount that I - no, my parents - have to cough up, it is a small drop). I know this is the WUSL board so certain bias may be in the air. But I still want to hear from you guys because you may know WUSL better than I do. Up to this pint, I haven't visted the campus yet.</p>

<p>Don't, because you'll get addicted to the beauty of WU.</p>

<p>Choose Wash U</p>

<p>hey, i think dartmouth and wustl actually have a lot of similarities. personally, with my bias, i would choose wash u because it seems to be more liberal with a more friendly, diverse student body. however, they are both great schools. wustl has more grad students. I highly recommend you visit washu. that was what did it for me. if it is the right place for you, you will only know once you visit.</p>

<p>Sorry to be Dartmouth police - Dartmouth is actually 31.5% minority and WUSTL is about 30% so they are the same. Dartmouth is also as liberal, if not moreso, (about 77% voted for Kerry) and the students could not be nicer.</p>

<p>Honestly both will get you to a top grad school, so if WUSTL is closer to home and that really matters it might be the right choice. Dartmouth is really an incredible place, however.</p>

<p>I would go with Dartmouth</p>

<p>I would go w. Dartmouth b/c I think it has a lot more respect in the world of academia. WUSTL is still regarded as a "hidden gem" for the most part, and if you look at any ranking system besides US News, you will see that it lags behind its peers.</p>

<p>When I mentioned that I am considering Dartmouth, at least three people here said, what, where is it?? </p>

<p>But when I mentioned Wash U, everybody said it is a great school.</p>

<p>Of course, I live in Missouri.</p>

<p>well, regional prestige is defintely different than national prestige/reputation. For example, here where I live in Cali, ppl consider UC Berkeley to be better than practically everything besides Stanford.</p>

<p>agreed that dartmouth is prolly more well known than washu, but is that really a factor in your decision? if someone thinks washu is in DC then you probably dont want their opinion other words, the academia whos who respect and know washu</p>

<p>also, <a href=""&gt;;/a> has more info...the last post had a good point</p>

<p>Dartmouth is more well known? I've never heard of it until I came to the US</p>

<p>Will oversees is a different game buddy. Oversees, I am sure that Cal Berkeley behind H, Y, P, Stanford, MIT is one of the most well known. International prestige would follow something like this</p>


<p>Actually, in Asia, UCB is the most well know (according my friends and their parents from China, Japan, and Korea.) Even more so tha Harvard. MIT would probably be at the absolute top of the list in India.</p>

<p>actually harvard is still the most prestigious in asia. i also came from taiwan but have relatives in korea japan and hong kong as well. nothing touches harvard. berkeley is known to be good but not as good as harvard</p>

<p>If you want to impress a truck driver, go to Harvard...
Both Wash U and Dartmouth have no name recognition, whatever.</p>

<p>you might be right. who knows. Why is UCB so well known anyways? just because it's the best public?</p>

<p>If you want to impress a truck driver go to Iowa State</p>

<p>actually, to impress a truck driver, go to Texas, he will impressed with their football teams and sports.</p>

<p>what about Emory vs WashU? thats what i'm currently deciding...</p>