Should I do Chem Major w/ Math Minor? or no minor? or math major w/ chem minor?

<p>here are the options
1) Chem major w/ math minor
2) Chem major
3) Math major w/ chem minor
4) Math major</p>

<p>I like both math and chem and I was wondering is one of these combinations easier than the others or is it really no difference?</p>

<p>Zero difference. Take what interests you. And what you can do well in. None of those combinations will convey any advantage or disadvantage for med school admissions. </p>

<p>(I have 2 Ds who are pre-meds. A physics & math double major applying this cycle; and a math & neurobiology double major who will take her MCAT this summer. The math has given them both great career options should med school not happen for one reason or another. )</p>

<p>You should do what you want to do and can do well.</p>

<p>It completely depends on:

  1. What is easy/hard for you
  2. what do you love?</p>

<p>Some might love Chem and it is easy for them, while math is easy and they do not care about it. </p>

<p>You need to choose based on your personal preferences.</p>

<p>What year are you in college?</p>

<p>What kind of grades are you getting?</p>

<p>Which is the subject that you most want to major in?</p>