Should I do RLC or not? Help?

<p>So basically, I just got accepted into Tech's Residential Leadership Community, but I'm not sure if I actually want to commit to doing it or not. I'm not really a type A personality, I'm leaning more to type B to be honest, and I LOVE socializing with other people and partying (but I'm not stupid about it--my schoolwork and grades are extremely important to me too). I'm afraid that RLC will hold me back on getting to meet a ton of people as opposed to just being in a regular dorm since I plan on just stopping by dorm rooms and hanging out with people in the halls. If you got nothing from any of that: I plan on meeting as many people in my dorms as I can, and I don't want to be annoying or not fit in at RLC because I'm so social and, to be honest, plan on partying a ton too.</p>

<p>AC isn't really a factor to me, since I live in a ridiculously hot place to begin with (I live in a dessert), but I wouldn't mind the leadership classes either. And plus, the PY dorm room rates are a little bit higher than the average freshman dorms, and money is really tight with my parents since I'm OOS. I'm obviously in a rut. Anyone have any suggestions? It'd be much appreciated. Thanks!</p>

<p>From what I’ve heard, a lot of people in the RLC say that some of their best experiences and memories are made there. Idk, though. I think you should go for it! I don’t think it could hurt, and maybe the fact that you’ll be living with people of different years could enhance the “meeting random people” experience. And there’s the plus of super-nice rooms and air conditioning. :)</p>

<p>Yes, do it for the dorms. Trust me.</p>

<p>katmariel: I am wondering the same thing, I don’t know if I will be extremely limited by the themed housing socially. I am from South Carolina, so the air-conditioned rooms seem really sweet to me. When did you apply for the community? I applied and I haven’t heard yet. Idk if I would take it because I don’t get along with tons of type A personalities, e.g. Student Council and Beta Club at my high school. I emailed the director about the general persona of the RLC (even though I hate to stereotype.)</p>

<p>I applied on March 26th and found out on April 20th that I got accepted. And yeah I’m from Southern California, so I’m used to living in a hot and humid place without AC since I don’t have it in my house… I don’t like to stereotype either but sadly everything I’ve read from students has led me to stereotype RLC :/</p>

<p>I think I’m probably not going to do it because I’d rather have somebody who really wants to do RLC be in it and have my spot.</p>

<p>Yeah, I don’t know if I would do it either. I think everyone needs to have the experience of a ****ty dorm and parties, they forward many chuckleworthy memories. So I will do the normal dorms, plus Peddrew-Yates is $3,000 more per year on top of OOS. Idk if you are Architecture or not, but I will be in the studio (Air-conditioned).</p>

<p>Wow, didn’t realize it was 3k more per year. Nevermind on me saying yes then, it’s not worth that.</p>

<p>It’s not $3,000 more. PY is $2,428/semester. Most of the freshman dorms are $1,827/semester, so it ends up being about $600 more per semester.</p>

<p>[Room</a> and Board Rates | Living On Campus | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Room”></p>

<p>artek1993: Nope I’m not doing architecture, but I’m in CAUS. I agree though, I’m just going to do normal dorms.</p>

<p>And thanks chuy and ymon for your responses :)</p>

<p>RLC is awesome. Everyone is friendly and usually the suites are wide open so meeting and mingling is easy. Plus they have lots of fun events and the rooms are like comparing the Ritz to an Econolodge. Trust me, a very outgoing group of people and they do have lots of fun like every other dorm. RLC…A great choice but don’t take a spot if you don’t want it because tons of other people do!</p>

<p>Sent from my EVO 4G using CC App</p>