<p>Well here a thing: I really like engineering because I love to learn how to build stuff and fix stuff, but I'm torn between two engineering. I want mechanical engineer based on that I could make cool stuff like robots, energy resources (solar panel, etc) and it's very broad, but I also wants bioengineering because I wants to learn how to preserve life like in NASA with life support in space plus i heard bioengineering industry would explode in the future. My dreams is to become a NASA engineer or scientists. What you guys think? Thanks.</p>
<p>Well I think you are more likely to become a NASA scientist in Mechanical Engineering, but that isn’t a guarantee. Bioengineering is NOT life support kind of stuff. Bioengineering is like the manipulation of biological molecules and organisms and a bunch of different and interesting ways (at least by my fairly rudimentary understanding). It is the sort of thing that would lend to the pharmaceutical industry or medical research plus a few other related types of areas for most people. Make sure you do research on bioengineering before you decide you want to do it, because it sounds like you have a few misconceptions (though I am sure I do too).</p>
<p>As for double majoring, that is hard to do in engineering. It is pretty rare, though not unheard of.</p>