Should I drop and get a W in Gen Chem or take the C?

<p>So for the first semester of gen chem at community college it seems like ill end up getting a C (prof test are hard). So far I have about a 3.6 GPA at my current Community College. Im a engineering major, so the remaining classes I have left to take are 2nd semester Gen Chem, Calc 1, Calc 2, Calc 3, Differential equations, 2 semesters of General physics, one more semester of english and a C++ programming class. So should I retake Gen chem or just take the C since I have many classes to go and can raise my GPA? I'm concerned that the grade will drag my GPA down alot since its a heavy 5.5unit C. Also I have some dirt from another college, a CSU from when I was a freshman there, I didn't do well there because I wasnt prepared financially etc, I got academic disqualification after completing about 26 units out of attempting 36. I spent one school year there. My GPA there was like a 1.34 when I left. Came to Community College, and so far im doing really well here, alothough I do have 2 Ws here, one from a P.E. class and one from some dumb art class. But I want to apply to UCLA, and USC also UCSD and maybe UCB. So I want to keep my GPA really high so if they see my old dirty transcript from the CSU they can kind of "forgive" it I guess if they see that I maintained a 3.6+ GPA throughout my time here at community college. </p>

<p>So what should I do? I want to get into one of those schools, should i drop the chem class get the W and retake, or just stick it through, get the C and do very well in the remaining classes and raise my GPA that way?</p>

<p>Any advice would be appreciated.</p>

<p>UCLA is not going to happen. You need a 3.7+ CC Engineering GPA to get in; it’s brutal. I think they accept less than 10 ppl in each Engineering major a year, with the exception of EE being higher. If you avg the 3.6 with the 1.34 you’re prob in the high 2s, maybe low 3s. A) I’d drop chem. B) I’d reconsider engineering.</p>

<p>I forgot to mentjon. You will def need academic renewal to get into a UC. USC doesn’t do renewal so it’ll be a stretch.</p>

<p>Thatnks for the advice, but get out of here with dropping the engineering quote. Engineering is my passion. You got me ****ed up when you said that.</p>

<p>The only engineering classes you are taking so far are Calc 1 and General Chem A… and you already have a 3.6 GPA before even factoring in a C in Chem. Engineering is overall the most competitive major at UCs. See for yourself. Avg GPA applied is 3.37, admitted is 3.84. Factoring in the 1.34 with your 3.6 and you got 0 chance. Plus like I said you haven’t even gotten into the core pre-reqs yet. </p>

<p>[Profile</a> of Admitted Transfer Students by Major, Fall 2012 - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]Profile”></p>

<p>I have 6 As 3 B’s, All GEs. and plenty of courses left to raise my GPA. a 3.6 is a good GPA regardless. My GPA will increase after I get my two As this semester with the one W from chem. Not counting the bad transcript from the csu I can easily have a 3.8 higher. I can get an A in physics, calc series, etc., maybe a B at best in chem, regardless chem isn’t a important class for engineering. The only thing I’m worried about is that transcript from the csu. </p>

<p>I already know about the average GPA admitted to UCLA is 3.84, means 50% were higher and 50% are lower. I know Berkeley does their approach a holistic way. Basically tell me something I don’t know. Im not looking for info I already know, Im a non-traditional student needing non-trad information of how my old csu grades will affect me.</p>

<p>druce1992, do whatever it takes to do what you love. From what I’ve read, do NOT give up on engineering. So CSUs and UCs are a completely different system, your CSU academic probation may or may not jeopardize your chances of getting into UCs. With that being said, having 2 Ws is very bad, it’ll be a mark on your transcript that quietly says “I gave up on these classes!” (one W is generally ok, having 2-3 is a big stretch). I understand that you want to get into engineering at UCs, but you need to understand that it is EXTREMELY competitive and that there are people just like you at CCs or other transfer colleges that are most likely doing better than you (sorry to say, it’s the truth that I’ve had to face for a while now).</p>

<p>Now moving onto your CSU experience, academic probation is also a bad thing on your transcripts, having probation on my UC transcript literally eliminated all chances I had of applying transfer to any UCs. You should go to your counselor and ask about the CSU academic probation because that MAY bite you in the back down the road…</p>

<p>All in all, you really need to ask your counselor about your CSU probation, they will probably know a bit more if they pull up your CSU transcript in their office and analyze it with you in real-time. I don’t want you to work really hard and pull off some great GPA after completing all your engi courses and end up getting denied because of something silly that happened 2 years ago (that’s exactly what’s happening to me RIGHT NOW… so be careful!)… Don’t give up on engineering, you seem very passionate about it and, as long as you still hold interest, take as long as you need to do it!</p>

<p>P.S. Although this might sound a bit silly, you should take an intro-to-engineering course or something at your CC to get more exposure to engineering majors (and/or the C++ course if you can get it) and see which engineering major is right for you, or even if engineering itself is right for you. Best wishes and good luck!</p>