Should I drop AP Stats and then self study for the exam?

So basically I’ve been failing ap stats this year and it’s not because I’m an idiot. The teacher whos teaching it is the problem. He has absolutely no joy in what he does and because of that he doesn’t teach well, it seems like I just can’t learn from him because some people are doing really well. This semester I got a D and I plan on dropping and switching to academic Stats.
I’m planning to self-study for the exam because I’m sure ill have a much better chance of doing that. What do you think my chances will be to get a 4 or 5?

If you think you can get a 4 or 5 on the AP exam, why not put that kind of study time into bringing up your grade in the course?

I mean I wish, but my teacher is trying to get through the material fast and the examples he gives are comparably easy to what’s on the in-class test and the exam. I also find it easier to learn by myself, id have all the time to learn the topics and not be rushed. Also, I do have a basic understanding of the topics, it’s just when the test comes I’m crying an hour later.

Do you think you’ll want to take stats at a college? You could always re-take it then and not worry about studying for an AP Test.

I would love to but I hate that teacher.

I meant that you should drop it. Instead of worrying about a AP Test though, you could take it when you enroll at a college. Would you need the course for a major?

ya, im trying to do comp sci. But id rather study and take it to see what id get

Are you sure Stats is required for Comp Sci major? Comp Sci majors are required to take Calculus I.

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One of kids had strong math skills in high school, but ended up with a teacher in AP Calc whose teaching style just did not work for him. After a difficult first semester and some long family discussions, he decided to supplement the class by self studying the AP Calc class on Khan Academy. He worked through the Khan Academy class from the beginning and ended up with an A in the class and scored a 4 on the AP exam. It was a lot of extra work, but for him it was worth it.

You see I also used Khan Academy but the thing is the material on the test is harder than that on what we go through the class, the college board mcq and frq. Also this teacher doesn’t even want to do what he does. He seems bored out of his mind and ill quote “They never take things away to do, always work”, this was after he found out that he needs to do course selections…

It isn’t? All the kids at my school took the class, so I figured if I wanted to be competitive I would have to take the class.

We don’t know where you’re aiming. But this is why anyone needs to research this, see what colleges DO say, not go on what other kids say or do. AP stats is generally not required, nor seen as special. It’s generally considered an easier AP. Top contenders for top colleges finish the math sequence, then see their options.

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I have two children who majored in computer science and computer engineering. Neither of them took AP stats. ( I don’t even think they took statistics in college.). They both took AP Calc-AB and CD. At our local High school, very few students took AP stats. It was an alternate course and mostly an elective for people that wanted another AP class under their belt.

You really need to research the requirements for getting major prep work in computer science. Go to the school web site that you hope to attend. Go to the major. Then look at the “required courses” list.

Some engineering and computer science schools have a course called “statics”. Statics is a study of mechanics and how force affects something that doesn’t really move.

It has NOTHING to do with mean, median, and mode.

I did have to take statistics for grad school because of my thesis.

My husband also attended grad school for engineering/CS and never had to take statistics.

You’re a junior, correct? What math course will you have senior year?

senior year ill be taking ap comp sci, cybersecurity, app development, and ap calc bc(hopefully, if not it’ll be ab)

You should be fine if you drop Statistics. I don’t think Computer Science majors are required to take it. When you enroll at a college, you could always take it then if you’d want.

I would just drop it and not waste my time with the AP Statistics Exam. Many CS programs don’t give you the credit you need for the CS requirement for Stats anyway so you’re better off putting your time and resources elsewhere.

@yankeefan20 Yes, there are Stats courses that CS majors are required to take. But many schools don’t take AP Stats for that credit. It’s also a test that if you look at the distribution, few get 5’s.