Should I drop/change a class?

<p>Hey, everyone!</p>

<p>I recently returned from bama bound and I’m very pleased with my schedule; however, I noticed one problem. I have a class at 10:50 in Tutwiler Hall, and another class at 11:00 in Ten-Hoor Hall. This conflict only occurs one day a week, but I’m worried that it’ll mess me up academically. I can buy a bike if that would remedy the situation. </p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, and Roll Tide! </p>

<p>I assume you mean your first class ends at 10:50 in Tutwiler?</p>

<p>Haha, yes, my apologies. Too much coffee, too little sleep. Thank you for the catch!</p>

<p>The class in Tutwiler is likely a math class where your actual time spent in the the classroom/lab will differ from what’s scheduled. </p>

<p>One can walk between the two buildings in less than 10 minutes. Walk the route before classes start so you know how much time it’ll take. If you could schedule a 70 minute difference between the two classes, you’d have enough time for lunch at any of the dining halls.</p>

<p>You’d have to dash, but I think it is doable. See this map and search “T”: <a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama;
Classes back-to-back seldom give you the opportunity to stay after class to ask questions of the professor (or meet beforehand to do so), so keep that in mind, depending on the class.</p>

<p>It is a math class, followed by Moral Forum. </p>

<p>So, what you both are saying is I should keep my schedule as is and make it work?</p>

<p>Don’t know about the math class, but if you’re talking about Moral Forum with Stephen Black, then you need to find a way to make it work . . . even if that means doing sprint training over the summer!</p>

<p>That math class in Tutwiler is probably your lab time, so you most likely don’t need to worry. Unless things have changed you are not required to attend during your scheduled time, but rather can do your hours at times that suit you. At least in the past, math classes below calculus levels have had a lecture meeting with a teacher one day a week in one of the academic buildings and then have required lab hours which can be done on your own schedule at Tutwiler in the MTLC. You also only typically need to attend math lab at all if you earn any grades below 70 (homework, quizzes or tests) for the week. And you can finish the class on your own pace and be done before the semester ends. So unless any of these policies have changed, you don’t need to change your schedule.</p>

<p>Awesome. So, math makes it easier, and even if it weren’t math I could just hustle to make it work.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the advice!</p>