Should I drop my pre calculus course?

<p>I have a 63 % grade in the class. In all my homework I got A's and B's and first exam was 87% and other two are exams 40% and 59%. We have one more exam left and a final. My brother says that the final in his class is nothing we never covered and that he said it was stuff that was covered. This guy is the worst teacher I ever had in my life. In Algebra I got B'S. Is it that this class is not for me?</p>

<p>Teacher puts things on the exam that you never see in the book after the first exam. So the book doesn't prepare you either does the teacher. On the first exam he gave us a study guide and that helped a lot. On the first weeks of the semester he assigned recommended problems to do then after that he never did that anymore. Then one 3 months later he does it again but never again. Teacher never communicates off blackboard and also he had a quiz key that was key for the exam and he post it the day before and 90% of the class failed. His attitude is poor and it seems that he is there for the power. He says things that are a slap to my face personally.</p>

<p>I do all my work and I go to the math tutor center almost everyday of the week.</p>

<p>Here is the teacher. JeffAndrews</a> - College of Lake County -</p>

<p>Hi dyanlfc. As a CLC alum and math major, I’m quite familiar with the math department there. At this point, I would recommend dropping the class and try retaking it with a better instructor. Personally, I had Shyam Kurup and it was a great experience. Some others I would recommend would be Jason or Kim Hasbrouck. However, as of this posting, I see only one instructor listed (and I’ve heard she’s tough). Once the instructors are listed, check RateMyProfessors (which you obviously know about) to get an idea of how they are and then enroll with the one that sounds good to you. Good luck! :-)</p>