Hey everyone,
I am currently enrolled in Intro Physics 1 (algebra – pre-req), along with Chem 1, Calc 1, and History.
I am really struggling with Physics. I didn’t have physics in high school, and my professor is awful. I have met with various students in the class, and we are all in a similar boat in terms our feelings about the professor. He really doesn’t teach anything. His class is essentially putting an equation on the board, and then telling us to do our homework, and ranting about how easy it is, without ever working out any examples or explaining any concepts.
I’ve gone to the learning center where we have tutors. The tutors there have agreed that the professor is awful, having taken him themselves previous semesters.
With all the aforementioned issues, I am reading the text book, reading an additional book on physics I purchased, watching KhanAcademy and opencourseware videos before working out the problems. Even after doing all this, I very rarely come across a problem that I am able to solve. So, I know conceptually, a lot is my fault. But, I am putting in the hours studying (which makes this even more frustrating). This past week I study physics for roughly 50 hours trying to complete the homework, all to no avail, and nearly every problem I worked a few times before needing a tutor to show me how to solve it.
Now, I believe I could potentially make a ‘C’ in this class. But, that’s with spending 75% of my studying time devoted to one class. In fact, I don’t know if I can even keep up with the workload. This past week I made myself sick from stress, and lack of sleep. I’m really worried that my other grades will begin to decline because of physics. My other courses, presently, are fairly easy, but some of the concepts in them aren’t sticking because I am not devoting as much time to them as I should.
And thus ensues my dilemma…
Because it is past the census date, dropping physics will give me a ‘W’. I have a total of 4 W’s already, but those were a result of personal issues, and I’ve retaken all but 1 of those courses and received As in all of them. Meaning, I’ll have a net of 2 Ws by dropping this course.
What should I do?