Should I drop this AP class as a second semester senior?

Hey guys,
I am a second semester senior and I have already submitted my college applications to all the southern UC colleges. I want to drop my AP Computer Science course so I can be able to have a 6th period free to join Track and Field. I got an A- in the class first semester, but I am still worried that colleges will frown upon me dropping the class. My major that I put in my application was Sociology and Anthropology. So computer science also has nothing to do with that. It is not possible for me to take a zero period because there is no room in my schedule, I am wondering if dropping AP Comp Sci would hurt my chances of college acceptance. I did good in the class, it is just I feel like the class is too boring and I want to do a sport since I never got to do a sport my previous years. Also, I have heard that dropping an elective is not as bad as an A-G requirement, but it is still an AP class, so does that make a difference? Would colleges see that I joined track on my transcripts or not? Would they think that I tried to drop the class so I could make my year easier and not accept my application? I really want to do track and field, please respond to this thread!
Thank you.

I would contact the UC’s first before dropping.
If there are changes to your academic record…

Freshmen: If you change schools, add or drop a course, or fail to earn a C or better in a course after you submit your application, you must notify the UC Application Center by email or postal mail. Your correspondence must include your name, UC Application ID number and your signature (if you mail a letter), and will be available to all the campuses to which you applied.

If you receive an offer of admission, be sure to confirm with the campus admission office that they are aware of the deficient grade or schedule changes. Although you must notify the campus of these changes, we cannot guarantee that a campus can go back to review an application after correspondence has been received. Make sure to save a copy of your correspondence just in case.


Postal mail:

UC Application Center
P.O. Box 1432
Bakersfield, CA 93302

Do you also need to contact each campus? Davis has a place to do this in their portal but the other campuses don’t.

I see no harm in emailing each campus just to be safe.