Should I drop to IB Math SL from IB math HL?

I am a new student at my high school. I moved from Singapore to Houston about a month ago and just started school. The maths in Singapore and houston are very different and i have not learnt some of the topics in maths which my classmates have alr learnt last year. I am considering dropping to The maths in Singapore and in us is very different and i have not learnt some of the topics in maths which my classmates have alr learnt last year. I took up IB math HL in the first place because i thought Singapore was advanced in maths and could cope easily in Hl math in USA. My maths teacher said that i should see the perquisites of the courses I would like to take in University. But unfortunately i have not figured out what course i want to take in uni or what i want to become in life. I am afraid that by dropping math HL i might close doors into some career options. Hence,I would like to know what courses/jobs require maths HL.
Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m late but this was left unanwsered. So i’ll anwser.

Math HL is needed for careers in mathematics, computer science, physics, different kinds of engineering and useful for economics.

How do you feel about math? Do you like it?
Do you find it easy or do you need to learn it a lot?

If you do not have the underlying fundamentals for the class that you are in, by all means drop down a level!

Changing schools can be very confusing in this regard because schools use different sequences for introducing concepts. You may have been at the most advanced level in your prior school but if the material covered was different from what was covered in your current school, you may find yourself with holes in some places and repeating material in others.

There are many, many schools that do not offer math at the HL level. (This is calc BC plus other topics.) This means that there are many students who attend college who have not had exposure to this material either. Your objective now should be getting as strong a base in math as possible. If you finish math SL you will have completed calc AB which is the highest level offered at many schools. You can move on in the progression from there when you get to college . Keep focused on mastering the material now.