Should I email Andover telling them they're my first choice?

I wouldn’t worry about contacting them either. As long as you seemed genuine about committing to the college in your essays, that should do it :slight_smile:

Oh, for Pete’s sake.

OP: Question- You don’t need to name them, but exactly how many schools did we apply to?

Two good threads you should read and ponder before declaring your undying love for one boarding school : See post #37 if you want to hear my opinion on the topic and .

Weigh it all out and discuss it with a parent before you shoot off a FC email to PA. Personally, I think it’s a bad move but that’s up to you ( and your family ) to decide.

All the best and good luck! :slight_smile:

@PhotographerMom - Wow, your #37 was a great post.

Thanks, @CaliPops ! This was a big topic back in 2015… good arguments from both sides. :slight_smile: