Here is the pattern of grades throughout these last three and half years (semester system):
GPA is a 3.70, as many of these were retaken. Am applying as a Peace and Conflict Studies Major, and fulfilled all of the IGETC requirements. Learning through with 3 foreign languages (Russian, Spanish, French) to fluency by the time I finish. Was spending 15-20 hours a week going to club meetings, participating in student government, college faculty committees, and the college district. Held three president/chair positions. Coming from LA, and came down when I was 17 from Oregon.
Should I even bother? Wanting to see things a bit more realistically. I’d really wish to Minor in Education - and have personal interests in Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience.
On the other hand, I could just TAG into UC Davis… and major in Community and Regional Development instead, minoring in education - and be concerned with graduate school in International Comparative Education. Feeling very lost at the moment. Really wish to be seen for my success in the second half of my college years. Your advice would be very much appreciated.
Of course you should apply if Berkeley is a school you would want to go to, and also TAG to Davis as a backup. Why wouldn’t you? Plenty of people get in with a 3.7. The Ws really don’t matter at all, and they will hopefully acknowledge your upward trend and your leadership positions.
So are you saying you had the Fs and Ds replaced?
@music1990 I’ve redone all the Fs and Ds but one, which I’ll be using an academic renewal for. The only trouble is, that most of the politically active work I’ve done was in the first half. Was just curious whether it’s realistic with that sort of history, but guess it would be worth a shot. Thanks a bunch!
You should definitely apply to Berkeley. Make sure you talk about why you didn’t do well at the beginning of college, how you’ve grown, passion for +relevance of your major, etc. in your personal statement.
@Eliseo24 Yeah, it’s worth it. Several people on here including myself have successfully transferred to Cal despite not starting out well. I have two semesters of academic renewal, and 7 Ws. As goldencub says, just make sure to address it in your application, and it might even be a good topic for your personal statement.
What was your GPA? Major?
I’m also kinda like OP and cautious about applying to Berkeley since I have 6Ws.
Lol yeah, 7. I collected them. They really don’t care about them, from everything I’ve heard. I had a 4.0 and I’m an English major. But like I said, I also had 2 terms of academic renewal (so like 6 Fs). I would definitely apply if you have a decent GPA.
@music1990 Hmm hopefully a 3.6-3.7 is good enough. Trying to get in as a History Major. I never had any F’s so hopefully that helps.
“LA” as in Los Angeles or Louisiana?
You should apply to schools you want to go to. I didn’t apply to Berkeley because I didn’t want to go far away from home. I might’ve gotten in. The way they make their decisions is weird and not like the other UCs, i.e. you can have a rel. low GPA and still have a good chance of getting in.
Definitely apply. I spent 3 years knocking out 35 semester units with a combined 1.2 GPA, along with 10+ W’s (never counted them). Took a few years off, 4.0’d for two years (replacing grades and getting two academic renewals), and got into every school I applied to, including UCLA and UCB. And, I literally listed NO extra curriculars. They like upward trends. Nail the essay.
I got into Berkeley with a 3.27 watch their videos and read their little brochure on what they look for in students and focus your application and what you do outside of school around that.
Always apply to top schools. UCLA gets more apps then Berkey because people think they can’t get into berkely. If you do not apply, you will always wonder if you could have got in.
I repeat:
Is the “LA” that u are from “Los Angeles” or “Louisiana”"
If it’s Louisiana, can u afford OOS tuition?
@GMTplus7 Sorry about that. From Los Angeles here! Will be paying in-state.
Thanks a lot everyone, will give it my best shot then! With a bit of more research, couldn’t see how it’d hurt to apply!
Very glad to at least now know that the grades from previous semesters don’t have the same influence as I thought. Hopefully those who are in a similar situation would get to hear from this thread as well in the future.