Should I even bother applying to NYU stern?

<p>NYU Stern is my dream school. I would love to have lived in both LA [I live there now] an NYC. The only thing is, I am not even sure its worth applying. I messed up early in my hs career [which I will write about], but I definitely have an upward trend. Anyways, can you see if its worth even applying, either regular decision or early? Also, how big of a reach would it be? Thank you guys.
english 1-2 A/A
geography/health B/A
Symphony Orchestra A/A
algebra 1-2 B/B
earth science C/B
english 3-4 ACC. B/A
Mod. Wrld Hst. ACC. A/A
Symph. Orch. A/A
Geometry B/A
Biology B/A
English 5-6 Honors A/A
Symph. Orch A/A
AP Art History B/A
Chemistry 1-2 A/A
Intermediate Algebra/Trigonometry Acc. B/A
German 1-2 A/B</p>

<p>Senior Schedule
AP Calculus AB
AP English
AP Gov/Econ
AP Psychology
AP Physics B
german 3-4
chamber orchestra</p>

<p>AP ART History-3
AP US History-3
Actual Test Scores
SAT Reasoning 1940 ->>>>this is what kills me! Retaking, hoping to break 2000.
SAT Subject Tests-
Spanish-730 [retaking, expecting 770]
Taking english sat II, not sure if this is the right title, but I am calling it english lit projected 710</p>

200+ hours comm service
Overture member-Was the manager for the volunteers who came to help out with the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra
Founded and was the president of a club-2 yrs.
treasurer of a club-1 yr
Tech tutor for 3 yrs.- helped out the local elementary schools teaching little kids photoshop and other digital moviemaking skills.
YMCA Youth Institute- 3 years-helped high school, low income, urban youth, with digital moviemaking skills.
Pasadena YMCA-Taught a summer class on moviemaking
Tutored kids around my neighborhood in Alg. and Chem.
First district youth council (one of the chairs)- a coalition of local youth that worked with the districts representative to bring positive changes to the community.
Link Crew- in charge of being the welcoming committee of the incoming freshmen, guiding them around the school, giving them the breakdown of the school, etc.
YMCA Youth and Government- 1 year.
Paula Fishman Music Studio-5 years [really demanding music teacher and studio, 2-3 hours of practicing a night]
Really strong letter of rec from the director of the YMCA of greater Long Beach, and the Director of the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra.
Some other stuff I dont remember at the moment.</p>

<p>Lots of awards</p>

Low income
first in family to go to university
urban school, mostly low income, minority kds. School was a bit better than mediocre.</p>

<p>I think breaking 2050 would give you a chance. I'd be sure to get great grades first semester! Good luck!</p>

<p>Considering your minority status which I'm assuming you mean URM and 1st generation status I'd call NYU Stern a slight reach. However, your Grades particularly your C & plethora of B's will hurt you. You should also raise your SAT to about 2100, and you should retake the U.S History plus if you are Hispanic the SAT II Spanish may seem a bit pointless. Also, you have to take Math IIC for Stern.</p>


<p>hmmm, I was hoping they only looked at 10/11th grade, like the UC's. haha. Wishful thinking. But then again, it does show an upward trend, so hopefully that helps somewhat. Thank you, by the way. Would writing, and basically explaining why my grades where so low my freshman year help at all?
Thank you again.</p>

<p>No, NYU does not do the 10-12 very few colleges do that. Upward trend is good, but consistency is key. You can write something about why your grades are low freshman year, but I wouldn't do it unless its something greatly effecting your situation e.g family member died/suffered from chronic disease. The only thing you can really do now is just do well Senior Year, write good essays, get good recs. and hope for the best</p>

<p>i know someone almost exactly like you, but with different ec's, that got into stern. defintely apply and try your very best to improve your SAT scores.</p>