Should I Even Bother Applying?

Throughout my first three years of high school, I dealt with severe depression, self destructive tendencies, an abusive relationship, and combined-type ADHD. These are the primary reasons for my poor academic performance during those years. I ended junior year with a cumulative weighted GPA that barely pushes a 3.0 and participation in very few extracurriculars. Despite this, however, I planned on applying to a few UC schools (Irvine, Davis, Riverside, and Santa Cruz) because a few of my classes were honors and AP, my SAT score is exceptionally high, and I have an upward trend. I’ve run into a few issues that are making me doubt myself and consider not applying to these schools at all.

First of all, I feel that it is necessary to justify myself in my application. But most of my struggles are generally unacceptable to include in an application essay and even if I did, I am worried they will think I’m just making excuses for myself.

Additionally, I have very little to show for the progress I’ve made. This semester, I am taking 4 AP classes and am currently earning a 4.6 GPA for the semester. I am involved in multiple clubs and have board/officer positions in two of them and I spend a lot of time doing both paid and volunteer tutoring. I’m not entirely sure if I can even mention any of this in my applications, which is a problem because it is significant in showing my personal and academic growth.

At this point I am very unsure as to whether or not I am wasting my time applying to these schools and am about ready to give up and only apply to schools that are much less selective. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

What is your UC GPA?
Test scores?
Senior grades are not considered in UC admission decisions, so they will base it on your 10-11th GPA and if you meet the a-g course requirements 9-11th grade.

Did you address your mental health issues and ADHD in one of your personal insight questions? Are you continuing with treatment/medication/counseling? Why just UC’s especially if you are a CA resident?

UC GPA: 3.04
SAT: 1460
ACT: 31
I’m aware that my senior grades are not considered, however I feel that it would be necessary to somehow include this information in order to prove that I have made significant progress, not for the sake of my GPA.
I’m unsure whether or not to address my mental health issues in my personal insight questions. I have made very little progress on my personal insight questions because I don’t even know if applying is worth my time.
I am currently on medication and I was recently discharged from therapy.
I am applying to a few Cal States but I want to stay within California so I am not applying anywhere else.

UC’s are very GPA focused so since your UC GPA barely makes the minimum cutoff, your chances are not good for the majority of the schools unless you somehow address your health issues but possibly in a general way without drawing attention to it. Some UC’s will ask certain applicants for a supplemental review so it is possible to send your Mid-year grades to the UC’s. You might want to use the additional information section indicating you are performing well Senior year.

You have a competitive SAT and ACT for many of the UC’s, but they will question the mismatch of GPA vs test scores.

I think it is worth applying to at least UC Merced/Riverside and Santa Cruz since you never know. If the UC’s are your target schools, then you are lucky that the community college to UC transfer pathway is an excellent option, especially if you use TAG so something to think about. I wish you good luck in where ever you decide to go.

2015 Freshman admit GPA of 3.0-3.39
UCM: 42%
UCR: 25%
UCSC: 10%
UCI: 4%
UCD: 3%