Should I Even Try?

<p>Hello all!! I am new to this site. I am currently a senior at UAB. I recently changed my major to biochemistry which as delayed my graduation year to 2010. I want to go to graduate school for Microbiology and Immunology (MS). My GPA is my downfall...At my lowest it was 2.77 but now is 3.264 with a science GPA of 3.3. I have several W's on my transcript and I will not start research until this summer. I have been involved in several volunteer activities while working.<br>
I want to apply to...
Pennslyvania State University-Immunology and Infectious Disease Program
Georgetown University- Microbiology and Immunology
Boston University-Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry
Temple University-Microbiology and and Immunology
Tulane University-Cell and Molecular Biology
University of California-Davis-Immunology
University of Cincinnati-Immunobiology
University of Illinois at Chicago-Microbiology and Immunology
University of Pittsburgh-Infectious Disease and Microbiology
Loyola University Chicago-Microbiology and Immunology</p>

<p>Do I have any chance at any of these schools?</p>


<p>Consider taking a couple of years as a lab tech after college. The income is nice. It can result in publications. It will strengthen your research background and allow you to make closer relationships with people who would write your letters of rec.</p>

<p>I agree with belevitt. I’ve known a number of people who didn’t do great in college, took a couple of years off working as a research tech and then ended up in really good graduate programs (for microbio actually!). The key is to work in the lab of someone who is really well known so you can get a letter of rec for your grad school application from a leader in the field.<br>
I don’t know if you a geographic restriction, but I would inquire at all major immunology and microbiology labs around the country–try looking into the members of the HHMI and the NAS who work in microbio and immunology. There are actually a few microbiology heavy hitters at UAB…
If you need any more pointers about labs, feel free to contact me.</p>