Should I finish at SF State by spring 2018 or Transfer to CSULB and finish by the end of fall ?

Hello, So I recently got accepted to CSULB for the spring semester but am currently attending SF State. I only have a few weeks to decide whether or not to transfer. I can get my bachelors degree in management information systems by the end of spring semester at SFSU or Transfer to Long Beach and graduate by the end of fall. At SF State I will only have 4 classes left but If I transfer I will have to take 11 courses.

Would it be worth it to transfer ? Would a degree at Long Beach be worth more? Or are they both just CSU degree’s in employers eyes?

I’ve always wanted to venture out from the bay since I was raised and saw this as an opportunity. Thank you for your time.

not worth the extra time and expense, IMO.

I think I’d stay at SF - you can move to SoCal after you graduate.