Hi, I have a few questions about receiving a GED. I’m a 17 year old, who has completed, transcript wise (I’ll further this point), only 1 and a half years of high school. Let me give you a bit of background on what little high school schooling I have received. I started high school, as a normal freshman with normal classes. I have severe asthma which for my first semester of high school basically kept me out of high school a lot of the time. I received multiple in school suspensions for my absences, even after multiple doctors notes clearing each one, and failed the majority of my classes. I passed Algebra 1, and an intro to engineering class. The majority of my teachers refused to assist me, and provide me with homework and late work so I could get better grades. So after the first semester, I switched to a hospital home care and worked with a teacher and finished my second semester with a 3.83 GPA, mostly A’s. I did work over the summer to correct my first semester, but for some reason the school refused to properly fixed it, and showed on the transcript that I still failed my entire first semester and made it up in sophomore year. So I remained on hospital home care for sophomore year, doing what I was again told a year of work. After it was over, and I received my transcript, it showed only a semester of sophomore year paired with the freshman repair. The GPA for this work is also 3.83 I believe. This has plagued me to no end. So I spent a year doing my own version of homeschooling, along with moving to a different state. After that, this year I tried to register for school. After waiting to hear back to the school past the school start date, I finally was contacted to discuss my standing in the school (should be a senior at this point) and was told they would not accept homeschooling as real schooling. So I decided I’d take the year of waste, and start as a junior. After going to the school, they told me that not only would I start as a junior, but I’d require to be partly in sophomore classes, while doing competing junior classes. I was not happy with this statement, and it is when I learned what my previous district had done to my transcript. So now I have a question as to what to do, I have done mountains of work that has been unaccounted for now, and I’m quite tired of competing with schools. I can capitulate in doing the sophomore classes with the junior classes. Both my father and mother have brought up the idea for not putting up with the school and just getting my GED, and going into community college. This sounds both appealing and frightening as I don’t want to mess up whatever I choose to do in life. I would like to go to a good college (I don’t really know which, UCLA and others come to mind), however I have seen that getting a GED somehow lowers your ability to get financial aid? I’m not sure how that would affect it, as it doesn’t change our current financial state. Our financial state isn’t the greatest, I would need financial aid to get into college. Up until this point I have excelled in school and have always had good grades. I don’t want to fight with schools, because I feel like this has all wasted precious time. I don’t know what would be the better and smarter situation. I probably would do fine in a community college, and the thought of going to a community college does not intimidate me. My main issue is what happens after, what would happen if I tried to apply for a good college. I would like to go to a good college, not just any run of the mill college that anyone could go to. I don’t currently know what exactly my studies would be in, most likely something science or political based. So if I get a GED and go to community college, and try to apply and a nice college/university, does that cripple my chances of getting accepted? I have seen mixed opinions on this subject, I have never left school for anything other than health related issues, with the exception of the first freshmen semester my grades have been good, but if I get a GED what will that look like to a college? I don’t want to look like a run of the mill high school drop out, who struggled freshman year, and decided to drop out sophomore year and got into things he shouldn’t have, because this is not the case at all. So I have two options currently, attempt to continue in high school, doing a difficult load to hopefully still look decent to a college, OR stop trying to pursue the high school, and go into a community college, then go to whatever university. I hope someone could please help me, and sorry for the giant novel I have written.