Should I go ahead and send in my score for regular admission?

<p>I am retaking ACT in DEC., and I am curious about my chance if I just send in the 30.</p>

<p>I have heard many people said that LAS is easy, but what about the engineering school. Do I have a chance there? At the moment, I have no idea what my major will be, but leaning toward science/math.</p>

<p>GPA-4.0 uw (99.65/100,all As)

<p>ACT-30(retaking in Dec)</p>

Math II-Dec

U.S History-4</p>

AP Physics Ba(taking it online because our school is not offering it)
AP Physics Bb online
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Chemistry
AP Language
AP Literature</p>

<p>Taking almost all APs offered at my school except for one or two because of scheduling conflicts.
Maintaining all As</p>

State National History Day Presentation 2nd Place
State National History Day Quiz Bowl 1st place
Coca-Cola Semi-finalist
State Algebra I and U.S history standardized test perfect score
Twenty highest average awards in many subjects.</p>

Babysitter-10h+/w (family obligations)
Cook/Manager-25h+/w (financial issues)
School Environmental Club-President
Math& Science tutoring-5h/w
Youth Leadership Conference-coordinator
Mu Alpha Theta Club-tutor
Middle school teacher's assistant 10th and 11th</p>

<p>Minor ECs
Beta Club
Key Club
world language club</p>

<p>Typical ACT middle 50% range for engineering is 30 to 33 so you are within the range and combined with high class rank, you have a very good chance at engineering if you choose to apply for it. I would send the ACT and also send Dec ACT if higher. Note, do not even bother sending the SAT IIs, they are not considered for admission.</p>

<p>Here is what I am not sure of. If the deadline is Jan. 1, all scores has to be in by then? I am applying to many schools, so I can’t send in the 30 and then send in the DEC. score again. It is going to be too late if I send it in after I see my DEC. score?</p>

<p>They want everything in their hands by January 12. If you order send immediately when score comes out, it should be electronically sent to UIUC in time (I know ACT/SAT always say things like allow up to four weeks but reality is that most often they get there in less than two for any college like UIUC which has electronic transfer from testing agencies). Also, even if it arrives a little after the 12th, it may still be cosnidered – it is just a matter of whether it gets there before your particular file is reviewed for admission.</p>