Should I go to Berkeley?

<p>I want your opinions because I sure can't decide for the life of me. My options are:
1. Berkeley, my first choice/dream school throughout high school, as an OOS student with only loans offered as financial aid. I would graduate with roughly $70,000 in loans =/.
2. Rutgers, my state school, which would cost $20,000 a year (screw them for not giving me a full scholarship), be slightly miserable, and have no loans. I would be in an honors program, not that it means much.
I plan on majoring in MCB as I love bio. I have no lab experience thus far, so I don't know how willing professors would be to work with me, but I am extremely motivated and plan to get involved as much as possible. I'm not sure whether I want to take a premed route or not, at this point it's my most likely option, but grad school of some form will be necessary either way. So what will give me better opportunities after I graduate, doing extremely well at Rutgers and having money to play around with after I graduate for grad school or hopefully excelling at Berkeley but having there be a possibility of limiting myself due to money? What do grad schools like better and which would get me more scholarships? Or would I have equal opportunities coming out of both, particularly for med schools? Is the graduate/med school the school that matters most? I enrolled in both schools because I'm that confused. Thanks in advance for your help!</p>

<p>If you do go to medical school, you probably do not want to dragging along a lot of undergraduate debt.</p>

<p>If you do not go to medical school, be aware that biology majors do not have very good job and career prospects at the bachelor’s degree level. Having a lot of undergraduate debt at that stage may not be a good idea.</p>

<p>Note the [career</a> survey](<a href=“]career”> at Berkeley’s career center.</p>

<p>Didn’t deadlines for decisions already pass?</p>

<p>you’ll probably be pretty miserable as a pre-med here.</p>