Should I go to Boston College?

I was admitted to bc and will be making my college decision this week. I just wanted to get an honest opinion on how it feels like to be a student at Boston College. What are your likes and dislikes? (being a minority myself) How do minority students feel at campus (out of place or welcome)? How good is the International Studies program?
Thank you for any responses!

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Have you participated in all the Admissions events the past few weeks? Email your Admissions person asap & ask to be put in touch with current students who can answer your questions. There is an assembled team that has been answering questions for weeks. Good luck with your decision.

what other options do you have, what is your coach for BC

Should I go to Boston College?<<


No. what ever you do, do not go to Boston College.

This BC forum on CC is filled with discussions from both students and their parents on how BC was the best four years of their life.

No school is perfect for everyone. You need to decide. But please do take the time to read through the archives to learn why so many graduates would never trade their BC education, friendships, and experiences.

@danalexa good luck on your choice. I’m currently a sophomore and love it. I’m not a minority student, but I have many random friends. I don’t think about people as groups, so I don’t really even consider minority, religious or social differences. I just befriend people of anyone. My friends at school are very diverse. I tried to participate in a summer international program as I’m minoring in Spanish. As you can guess, that got canceled this summer :-(. So I can’t really speak yet to international studies. What I can tell you is I made the right choice going to BC. The campus is great, friends are cool, tons to do with clubs and sports, and classes are rigorous. I’m a Biology major and pre-med. It’s definitely not easy and grading is tough, but we’ll see how it goes. I’m optimistic I can lift my grades and with all that BC provides, I’m hoping my extracurriculars help me get into MER school and the rigor of classes prepare me well for the MCAT. I would recommend BC, but everyone’s decision is unique. Good luck and message me if you have any questions. I think you will find people at BC are very friendly and many are in the same boat as you, just looking for acceptance and friendships. I’m up early because my exams are next week… now I have to study! Cya

may i ask why you say that? Is there a specific reason/experience you had at bc that made you dislike it?

What are your cost for BC vs other schools you have been accepted to?

I think Babe Ruth was joking, for whatever reason …. and I just realized these posts were 2 years old, so the jokes on me. Let’s move on …. nothing to see here lol.