Should I go to Rochester or RPI?

<p>thats' true...(what awakien said)...yes, both are good schools and all...i know this may seem a bit elementary, but write down all the pros and cons and see which you would rather do, but how about the financial aid? o yeah, cmu doesnt' tell u yet, hmm...if money's not an issue, yeah open houses would probably break the tie...</p>

<p>unreletad, but im also mad at myself for slacking off throughout high school. i had really high SATs but a decent/low average. i got into rochester, but im waitlisted at four schools!</p>

<p>lol slope, thats exactly waht happened to me-
thank god for Rochester huh? good thing its still an awesome school</p>

<p>Me too. I really like Rochester, but I wish I'd tried a little harder in high school.</p>

<p>That said, I'm completely ignoring all of my homework.</p>

<p>o, just recently i started getting back on track (sort of...)
its just so hard lol.</p>

<p>Owned by senioritis..I got a failing grade in a class this quarter for the first time ever</p>

<p>Yeah, I barely passed economics for the third quarter (which is bad because I need it to graduate).</p>

<p>I also had a 51% in AP English until the day that grades were due.</p>

<p>Senioritis = bad</p>

<p>haha, yeah, my senioritis is bad...but i've got it under control--in the sense that I'm getting a's and b's. i'm capable of getting more a's but just don't feel like doing that. wow, what a coincidence. it just turned out that i got into UR ed2, and waitlisted at a bunch and rejected at the really hard schools, and then i got into all my safeties and mid-low schools. but turned out i didn't feel like sending all my financial info to all the schools after i got rochester. </p>

<p>51% in english? wow. which english is this? comp or lit? did u not do ur hw completely and fail all the tests?</p>

<p>I dont wanna leave the school with bad grades though, so I'll be bringing everything back up to As before the year ends.</p>

<p>My motivation, I guess, are my teachers/counselors - alot of teachers and my guidance counselor at my school have all been really supportive of me and they've got high hopes for me soo I don't wanna leave the school with bad grades. Its nice to have people who believe in you - especially when your parents dont =P</p>

<p>It was AP Lit, and I didn't turn in any homework. At all. We don't have tests, so that was pretty terrible.</p>

<p>I ended up getting a 93, so it worked out.</p>

<p>oo, i see, nice comeback...yeah, i kinda did that for comp but the vocab tests brought my grade up to a high b. like we had chances to do stuff over, but i just didn't feel like doign that...oh well, might actually try to bring my 4th mp grade up...maybe...or not...</p>

<p>I'm totally going to Rochester, however I did change my mind about chemE though</p>

<p>Bone, congratulations!! Maybe you could share with us what made the decision for you. It might help others also trying to decide.</p>

<p>Okay I'll share what made me decide on Rochester. </p>

<p>The biggest factor in my decision are what I saw and heard at spring open campus.</p>

<p>I really loved the things that the deans said. One of them said that there is only one reason to go to college, and that is to become educated. He was stressing how your education is something that is yours and no one elses and how you can shape your education at University of Rochester. Because it is your education, they feel that you should do what you want. He said there's nothing worse than a class that the teacher does not want to teach and that the students don't want to be in. No teacher is forced to teach a class that they don't want to, and similarly no student is forced to take "core requirements." There are a ton of quirky classes that professor teach just because they love it. He quoted someone that said something like success requires freedom, and what he meant was that you can force someone to learn something but they can't be truly great at it if they don't want to learn it. They feel that for students to be successful they must give them freedom and let them study what they want. This way of thinking shows in the way their cluster system works and how many students stay for a fifth year tuition free to take classes that they would not get a chance to in their four years. It truly is a place for people who love learning. This attitude really made me feel good about the place. </p>

<p>Recently I had been thinking about choice of major, chemical engineering and I realized that I chose it based on nothing. Really, no one in high school knows what engineering truly is. Based on what I do know, I realize I don't enjoy dry calculations and data and research and all that. From my sole personal experience, I know that I feel history is truly enjoyable and interesting and therefore I decided I still want to go to medical school but for now I want to major in history. I'm really happy that I figured this out and I think I will be happy at University of Rochester.</p>

<p>Edit: I have some more to add. UofR is seen as a haven for premeds which is great. Of people who have had over 3.6 GPA last year, I think 88% were accepted to medical school. I also like that there are so many study abroad oppurtunities. I have an interest in German and European history so I would LOVE to spend some time in Germany. These are small ones, but I am really happy that people play dodgeball and badminton there because those were my favorite things to do in gym class! I'm just blabbering now, but I'm really excited about going! I just want high school to be over!</p>

<p>Throwmeabone, what a great response, thanks.</p>

<p>hey man, Throw me a bone! awesome response...
yeah, i basically had my rankings set for brown, upenn, and then UR, but after i didn't get into brown, i was debating whether i should do UR ed 2, but after researching the site, talking to the AIM s/n like everyday about everything and seeing how it's awesome for premeds, but the major i may pursue (biomedical engineering) is going to have a new building and everything, and after talking to a student, he really got me into the major and all the awesome stuff in it as well as the job i can get after 4 years if med school doesn't happen or i can go on and do masters and then get into med school. the acceptance rate from UR is really high, plus applying to UR med school can happen even with a lower gpa cause they give UR grads a preference, as I believe. i love the activities there like badminton, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, etc.
so do i! i can't wait for hs to be over! i can't take this anymore!!</p>

<p>how can you guys find out the acceptance rate of URochester to med school?</p>

<p>go to RPI!</p>

<p>lol how sad...she's just trying to get a place off the waitlist
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>shut up loser ^</p>