Should I go to this college? Will I fit in?

I am currently wondering if I should go to Ursinus college. I have been waitlisted from Wesleyan University, Bard Coleege, Middlebury University, and Union College, but I have to pick a college in the meantime while waiting for these college’s decision. Out of all of the colleges I have been accepted to (Temple, Drexel, Geneseo, Siena etc.) Ursinus gave me the most amount of money, is a liberal arts college, has great academic opportunities, and a good study abroad program. And, when I went to admitted students day this past Friday, the campus was lovely. However, I am quite afraid I won’t be “accepted”. I am an African American girl who dresses “differently” (I go to a school in SoHo NYC so you can imagine) and is afraid all I will get is stares like I did at admitted day. I only felt kind of comfortable because one of my friends were there. Maybe it’s because it was admitted students day and everyone was quite awkward, but I would really like some insight from people who go there how would someone like myself (a black girl from NYC who has large glasses, loves alternative/trap music, wears clothes other then leggings and sweatshirts, etc.) fit into Ursinus. Kind of a dumb question but I am stressed out of what college I should choose from especially since I didn’t get into my dream school (Wesleyan

Please anyone reply :smiley:

Scroll down for the pie chart. Ursinus is 75% white, 6.3% black and 5.5% Hispanic. Don’t know if this helps. I don’t have any personal experience of the college. You might also try student reviews on niche or similar sites.

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My feeling is if your gut isn’t there, don’t go. If you have a preference among the schools you are waitlisted at, then call them or send them a letter telling them that.

@emilyash1999 They may have given you the most money, but what is the bottom line? Are they the cheapest? What is your major that makes a LAC important to you? Full disclosure, I go to Temple and I LOVE it. The student body is diverse as can be and it’s awesome here! Did you go to Experience Temple Day? Temple also has a great study abroad program, with their own campuses in Rome and Tokyo. I toured Ursinus but didn’t apply there. I didn’t like it and felt claustrophobic. When someone asked what there is around to do the tour guide pointed out there was a Wawa in walking distance. Really?! I would worry being from NYC this might be an issue for you. I’m kinda feeling like Temple may be a great fit for you. Did you get into honors? If so, even better! Just my 2¢.

Well I want to major in history or political science and art. I did not get into honors unfortunately. And I didn’t do the experience temple day, however I did visit prior. I didn’t necessarily get the claustrophobic aspect of Ursinus like you did, I actually thought the campus was really nice and everyone was nice, however, I did see that I had a different fashion sense and a different pace about myself especially as someone from the city. Although I am from a big city I go to a very small school, my grade is about 90 students. And yes I heard that temple had really great study abroad, but because they didn’t give me enough money, and I don’t want to take a lot of loans, it seems kind of wasted- especially since it’s not like my top choice, although I would be very keen if they did give me a lot of money like Ursinus or SUNY Geneseo. Also temple isn’t a liberal arts college and I don’t think is as flexible with major stuff- as I want to do art but didn’t apply to the Tyler school of art because it’s not the only thing I want to do. I am just lost and I don’t know what to pick :(. I thought i would’ve gotten into Wesleyan but that isn’t the case :confused:

Make sure to send a message to your wl schools highlighting all the cool things you’ve done since December, any new grades or scores, etc.

Sounds like you would deposit either at Ursinus or at Geneseo. Look at net cost *: how much does each cost?

  • (tuition, fees, room, board ) - (scholarship, grants ) =

Why don’t you look at the Ursinus website and check out their club listings and their student newspaper. That may give you a broader idea of what life on campus is like.

I am a black person who both attended and taught at Ursinus. I do not recommend it.
