Should I go to UCD or UCSB?

My major in UCD is material engineering and my major in UCSB is econ/accounting. I am struggling about which one is the better choice. Anyone has any idea? Thanks for all the helps !

I think it depends on what you’re trying to major in. Do you want to do engineering or Econ?

Santa Barbara is more of a party school than Davis.
Santa Barbara is also in SoCal, right on the beach, and is also ranked pretty good for Econ!
Davis has more of a relaxed kind of vibe… Actually both are fairly relaxed.
I’m not sure, I say go depending on what you want to study more. Switching to engineering at SB shouldn’t be too difficult, and vice versa at UCD if you decide to do Econ instead.

I say pick the location you like better, and maybe consider the cheaper school too.

My two cents adding to what @RetainerBaby recommended. Join the FB groups for both schools. See what type of student is going there. See if one feels like more of a fit.