Should I go with this schedule? Is 21 semester hour credits too much?

I’m taking:
Organic Chemistry I
Human Physiology (I aced Human Anatomy last semester)
Life Span
World Religions
Abnormal Psychology

*All of these courses are prerequisites to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program EXCEPT World Religions.

I have a choice to either take Abnormal Psychology this semester or Summer 2020 before I transfer to my BSN program. I MUST complete the course before Fall 2020.

I forgot to mention: Organic Chemistry I and Human Physiology both have labs!!! So I’ll have 2 science courses and 2 lab courses

In my opinion, it is way too much especially with two lab sciences.

Organic Chem has been the bane of many students, even very strong ones. I am surprised you need OChem for a BSN (my daughter didn’t) but I guess all programs are different.

Are nutrition and and lifespan online? That helps, but there will still be tests and work - my daughter found nutrition surprisingly difficult and frustrating.

She proposed taking 21 credits (with an online component) this semester and her advisor flat-out told her no way. She is taking 17 instead, which is doable but still a lot of work. I would say try to pare that down to 16-17. Maybe you can drop the religion course?

Thank you!