Hey, I’m a high school senior right now, enjoying my second semester, and I’ve been fascinated browsing through some linkedin profiles (especially of students from my top-choice university program), and I’ve been kind of working on a profile myself, but I’m not sure if it’s even important to have my high school experiences on linkedin. I’ve looked online a bit and some people say not to put high school, and some say do, but what do you all think? Should I wait until I’ve gone through a semester or two in college a bit before having my linkedin profile set up and ready?
I would put the HS information on now and then remove it after a few years of college. Simply put the name of the HS, year graduated and any significant awards (such as National Merit Scholar).
Of course any job experience comes first.
Graduates of prestigious prep schools often identify the name of their school. I’ve even seen some people include the name of their prestigious middle school. It’s an opportunity for networking.
The operative word here is NAME. I would leave off the HS experiences, unless it’s a national honor like NMF of Intel Finalist.
If u are in the market for a job or internship, it’s useful to have a Linkedin profile.
You can always drop things from your LinkedIn profile in a year or so. Include what looks good and is applicable to your major. I think I still have NMF listed, but next to my college. It takes awhile to build up a reasonable number of contacts, so make the profile now if you have time.