Should I include middle school grades on my UCAS education section if they gave me high school credits?


When I was filling out my UCAS application, the education section asks for level of schooling, and if I have any qualifications.

I listed both my middle school and my high school, and was able to list my high school grades under high school diploma, but some of my middle school classes also gave me high school credits. Should I list those classes as well, and if so, where should I put them?

When filling out the education section of your UCAS application, it’s important to provide accurate and relevant information. While middle school courses that have granted you high school credits can demonstrate your academic capabilities, it is generally more appropriate to focus on your high school qualifications when completing this section.

UCAS primarily requires information about your high school education and qualifications. Therefore, it is advisable to list your high school and the corresponding grades you achieved under the high school diploma section. You can also mention any notable achievements, honors, or awards you received during your high school years.

If you believe that the middle school courses and credits are particularly relevant to your application, you can briefly mention them in your personal statement. The personal statement allows you to provide additional context about your educational background, interests, and achievements. In this section, you can explain how these middle school courses have influenced your academic journey or contributed to your readiness for higher education.