Should I include my participation in varsity sports on my Common Application?

Hello there! Second post on my first day here, fantastic.

I have played three (3!) varsity sports through my high school career. They are all different sports and I am playing the third one now.

I am not a particularly accomplished athlete unless I get magically good at golf in the next three weeks. I am debating if I should list them on my activities in Common Application.

**Pros: **demonstrate “well-roundedness;” willing to try new things; has had diverse experiences; taken advantage of resources around me; it is a varsity sport

Cons: not very accomplished (did not win matches, no letters, not captain); demonstrates “inconsistency” (did not stick with one sport- hopped around from one to another)

The rest of my activities are “nerdish” (community service, clubs, research) and I think having sports on there would spice it up a little! A nerd that does sports (affectionately self-derogatory)!

I have filled out nine out of my ten activities. Driving myself crazy (not really, it’s just an annoyance) with what my final activity should be. I have other activities to put down, just trying to decide if I should choose varsity sports for one.

I had a lot of fun when I was on the team! I enjoyed the camaraderie, getting to play sports with my friends, and we had some really solid team moments. It was “meaningful” as in I felt like I really enjoyed myself and matured because of sports but so are the other activities I could put down.

I can’t tell if this would strengthen my application (I suppose nobody can tell except for the admissions officer looking at my application) or hurt it.

If I do include it, could I just list them all under one activity or would it be better to use three slots?

I wouldn’t overthink this. Your ten activities on the Common App should be listed with the most significant first, so number ten is probably not going to move the needle regardless of whether it’s a sport or something else. Ten activities is the maximum on the Common App but if you don’t have ten activities worth mentioning, you don’t need to have all ten spaces filled.

I wouldn’t use three of the ten slots for three different sports that you played for a single season each though – I’d suggest just listing one of them. If you’re played a sport junior year and it’s at least conceivable you’d play again this year, you could pick that one to include and show participation as both Grades 11 & 12.

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So you have nine activities without including the three varsity sports? And all those nine are more important to you than the varsity sports?

If so, you can combine the three varsity sports into one activity…plenty of characters to list the three sports.

Including the three sports, whether as three activities or combining into one, is not going to hurt your application.


Are any of the sports as important to you as the other things you listed? If not, I agree with @Mwfan1921 .

If one of your sports was more important to you than one of your lower placed activities, you might want to move a sport into one of those spots.


FYI - Varsity sports can show leadership and commitment and perseverance which are all good things for a college student to have but yes. Don’t over think this. They will review your application in under 10 minutes.

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You are right, it is easy for me to forget I am just another application in the sea of others. Not the end of the world. Thank you for the reassurance and the input!

Understood, thank you for the reassurance and the input!

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Sounds good, thank you for the insight!