<p>Just wondering, what did you all do for the lists for colleges like Columbia and Stanford? I read a ton of nonfiction so that basically means that most of them have a title in the format of "quick book name: short description". An example of a book on my list is "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined". The problem for me is that listing the full title for every book is taking up most of my 150 word limit. I would prefer to just list the quick book name, but I'm not sure if that's alright....</p>
<p>(Yes, this is the same post on Columbia's thread. After a few days and over 100 views with no replies, I thought I might try my luck here.)</p>
<p>It depends on how many books you want to list. For Stanford I only went with 3 book titles and about 12 favourite authors.
But for Columbia I listed about 15 books ( most of which were nonfiction and I wrote the full name.)</p>
<p>You could write the simplified name anytime,
but how many books are you going to list?
Bear in mind that it only asks the ones that you enjoyed the most.</p>
<p>I was thinking as many books as I can, since I read a lot and I like reading about different things. Did you put down the authors?</p>
<p>For Stanford nope, just the titles since I mentioned some of the authors later on but for Columbia yes.</p>
<p>I also read a lot ( ~ 200 books this year) but that does not mean that everything should go in there.
Choose the books you actually enjoyed and in order to show them that you are interested in different things, pick one to represent each interest.</p>