I like politics and I have firm convictions, but I’m definitely not as passionate as some people about them. And I’m not planning on going into the humanities. But, my mom is campaigning for a spot on the school board and every Saturday until the election in November, I walk for her (going door to door). It’s actually a lot of fun because everyone is so nice (today, this little boy came right up and hugged me, haha) and I meet the most interesting people. Plus, my mom is the best, so of course people should vote for her.
Is this something I should put on my college apps as an Activity? It’s only something I’m doing mid-August to the beginning of November, 2 hr/wk.
I say yes. Make sure you make it clear that you’re doing this voluntarily.
…I hope that’s the truth.
I would put it (assuming that you still have room for your more long enduring commitments).
Yes, I think it speaks to your commitment to family and interest in politics.
Great EC! I’m not even sure you need to mention that the school board candidate is your mom, but maybe that makes it more interesting.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone. You’ve convinced me to include it on my application!
@coterie Well, my parents neither said I have to or didn’t have to. They just said “hey, let’s do this!” And I believe in my mom, so I thought, why not go talk to random strangers all morning?
@goblue8721 I already picked my essay topics, but maybe if something interesting happens while I’m walking, I’ll change my mind! 
@CheddarcheeseMN I’m not 100% sure if I should mention that either. But I think if I do it shows family commitment, which I demonstrate in one of my other ECs as well
Not just family commitment. It’s not considered an easy task. Even kids who say they’re interested in poli sci don’t often consider it. Kudos. You can mention it’s your mom, maybe mention her by name. That won’t dilute it. The point is, you’re doing it. Great.
Good for you! Yes, include it. I did much the same for my dad when I was in college, except he was running for the bench. It WAS interesting. I am surprised to this day, remembering how kind most people are. They usually want to talk. And I didn’t tell people it was my dad, I just tried to convince people to vote for him. He won:-)
This could also be a real excellent college app essay topic. You could talk about how the experience has given you a greater appreciation for the election process, how it’s forced you to step outside your comfort zone a little bit, how it’s helped you grow as a person, etc., etc.
@Lindagaf That’s so cool! I tell everyone she’s my mom because a picture of our big family is on the front of the piece of literature we give out to people, haha. I mean maybe it sounds bias, but my stagety is to assure everyone I talk to know that my mom is a great mom and she is invested in her children’s education. (As well as her other qualifications: masters degree in education, licensed school counselor, etc.) She would be the only parent on the school board with current children in the school district!
@tucsonmom I agree that it could be a great essay! However, I have so many other topics I want to share with admissions. I do a similar thing (well, slightly similar) going door to door at the hospital. I talk to all the patients and do various things for them. Sometimes, they tell me to leave them alone and other times they are so glad for the company and service. This more aligns with my future goals in medicine. Also, it definitely has increased my confidence and conversational skills, which prepared me well for doing this for my mom. 
The hospital thing is also good. While she was in med school, one of my young friends mentioned how many of her classmates were intimidated to touch base with patients in this way. “Stepping outside your comfort zone” is both good, in itself, and an attribute top colleges like.