<p>Do I list my unweighted GPA along with my weighted GPA?</p>
<p>Do I list class rank?</p>
<p>Do I list activites done/100%-going-to-be-done in 12th grade?</p>
<p>Should I list activities, awards, etc. that haven't occurred yet but that I know 100% I'm going to do or get?</p>
<p>Does personal summer travel count under activites or summer activites?</p>
<p>Can/should violin lessons, private recitals, school litmag submissions, and art done outside of school/art class, but not publicly recognized, be included in my application?</p>
<p>Do I include a separate "honors" category on my application/resume or do I just put whatever honors I have under activites, academics, sports, etc.?</p>
<p>Do I include skills that I have? (Language fluency, Photoshop knowledge)</p>
<p>Do I do application disclaimers for why I didn't take this AP senior year or why I didn't do so well in Chem sophomore year or do I not? Is there a section of the application where I include it? Do I have to talk about it in my essays if I want to have a disclaimer at all?</p>
<p>Do I write one-liners summerizing my resume stuff or do I go more in-depth and list specific things, events, etc. that they do?</p>
<p>Misc questions:</p>
<p>How exactly do I write a resume? I have a word document example from my GC, but is there a format I have to follow?</p>
<p>How do I order/list my resume stuff?</p>
<p>If I attended a college convention featuring College A because College A was too far away to visit, and the convention had a signing list of who attended, does College A note that as interest in/a visit to College A? Do they even notice?</p>
<p>If I won the writing award at my school, took AP Lang my junior year, did well on the exam and course (AP Lang and Lit are only offered junior and senior years, no other honors, IB, etc. english courses are offered before then), got a perfect score on the reading section of the ACT, had my work displayed in the school litmag, and then possibly wrote some great/quirky college essays, and I decided not to take AP Lit my senior year for strong personal reasons (which I don't know how to state in my application) ... would top colleges look down on this? Should I take AP Lit over the regular english I'm signed up for, even when I'm already taking two math APs and an honors science course? Please please help!</p>
<p>You guys don't have to answer all of these questions line-for-line, but input would make my heart happy. <3</p>