Should I join the Corps of Cadets????

<p>I just got my letter indicating I got Blinn TEAM on several days ago and I attended that Aggie Eagle program in January and I really enjoyed the program. I know freshman year sucks and it's very demanding physically, mentally, and emotionally. But, my friend in the Corps right now keeps on trying to get me to do it. But, I just don't understand the reasons for doing it unless you are on an ROTC scholarship. What are some other substantial reasons? </p>

<p>P.S. I wrestled 2.5 years on Varsity in High School so I know I can handle it, I just don't know if I want to do it on top of all the work I have to do to keep my grades up.</p>

<p>part of what the corps provides is structure and mandatory study hours. : ) i know a kid who joined just for that! (he was on blinn team too.) he ended up staying in it the whole time. you make lifelong friends! but, you are right, it will suck sometimes!!!</p>

<p>i think being in the corps is ok if you are a guy. not so much if you are a girl.</p>

<p>It depends what kind of college experience you want. There are TONS of substantial reasons besides getting a four-year scholarship thru ROTC. I am enrolled for next fall and do not have any sort of ROTC scholarship right now, although I do have Corps scholarships.</p>

<li><p>You can apply for ROTC scholarships while enrolled in the Corps, meaning you may not get a four year one in high-school, but you can get three year, two years, etc., depending on your grades.</p></li>
<li><p>Corps Scholarships…duh! Tons and tons of scholarships are available within the Corps that require no military obligation. If it were not for the Corps, I would be paying out of state tuition right now, but I’m not. On top of that, they’re giving me about $1,500 a year. So because of the Corps, I’m technically paying about $17,000 less than a typical out-of-state student.</p></li>
<li><p>If you do not choose to commission into the military, you get a Certificate of Leadership studies through the Corps, which basically looks just as good to employers are coming out of the military. Consider this: The Corps has roughly 2,400 cadets. I think I read that this year about 50 cadets from the senior class are commissioning. This leaves around 550 cadets who will not commission, but will find tons of other jobs that pay very high.</p></li>
<li><p>The Corps aims to strive academically, so if you are in the Corps you will have so many other cadets that are there to help you and are always pushing you to make good grades and succeed. The Corps consistently has some of the highest GPAs in the university.</p></li>

<p>The Corps IS NOT for everyone, but if you’re looking for that kind of experience, it’s a huge part of TAMU tradition and the University itself, and it’s just a really cool group of people who are very close and driven to succeed.</p>

<p>What squadron are you in? I’ve been looking at 16 cause I hear that’s the best technical/engineering squadron. Which one has the best rep? Also, what year are you?</p>

<p>I’m actually not at TAMU yet…will be attending next year as a freshman. I’m not sure what squadron I’ll join yet. It depends what ROTC I decide to do. I went down for a program with the Corps last year and actually chose Sq. 16 as my preferred squadron and spent a few days with them. They are very smart and hard-working cadets and most of them are in some sort of technical major. I am not sure if I will join 16, but I’d recommend it from what I saw. Go on the Corps website and contact the heads of different outfits if you really want to know more.</p>

<p>Well, maybe we could both be squadron 16 fish together next year!! Idk, but they said they are very good about stressing their academics and physical fitness and they just received the Buchanan award for the highest engineering grades in the Corps. We’ll see, let me know if that’s what you decide on and I will keep you updated</p>

<p>Yeah. I’m still not sure what outfit I will join, but based on my experience with Sq. 16, they are a pretty good contender and will definitely keep you on-track academically. I am not sure how your situation will pan out because you are a Blinn team member. I believe you still do everything with the Corps. Also, what major are you planning to do? Because remember, since you are Blinn team, you will not be starting out in the same level courses as typical A&M students, and I think you still might have to transfer into the major you want. </p>

<p>I am not sure exactly how your credit situation will work out with Blinn. I would research this more before deciding what major you’ll be in (if you can even specify your major), and what majors the outfits you’re interested in represent. Some outfits don’t represent a certain type of major, so kids from anywhere will fit in well. </p>

<p>Nonetheless, it would certainly be nice to go into the Corps knowing someone. I do not know a single person who is going to A&M, haha. I’m coming from roughly 1,200 miles away. Keep me posted.</p>