Should I join the FSU Honors program ?

<p>I am currently a freshman at Florida State and I have recently received an offer to join the Honors program. I would like to accept the offer, but I am not sure yet if it is in my best interest. I am a business major and in order to even be accepted into the college of business, I must maintain a 2.9 GPA. I also have to maintain a 3.0 GPA in order to keep my bright futures scholarship. On top of that, if I am to join the Honors program, I must maintain a 3.2 GPA in order to stay in the program. With all of these things considered, I am a concerned whether or not the program will prove to be too difficult and cause my GPA to drop below either of these numbers. I am not familiar with the program at all and I am not sure if the benefits actually outweigh the workload (if in fact it is that much more difficult). I am also looking into rushing for a fraternity this upcoming spring semester and I am a member of a club sport. Would these commitments be too difficult to continue with if I was to join the Honors program? Would it actually be that much more impressive when applying for grad school or a job? I plan on contacting the school to get a better feeling of the actual program and its requirements, however in the meantime I was hoping to get some insight from others who may already have some knowledge. Sorry for the lengthy question and thank you in advance for any help.</p>

<p>Being a part of Honors includes a number of very nice advantages (e.g. priority registration for classes, the Honors dorm, research opportunities) and also means more work. If you take advantage of all the opportunities - which can mean a significant increase in the work expected - you’d have a significant edge in competing for grad schools and the like.</p>

<p>Good luck and congratulations - it is an honor to be asked to join.</p>

<p>I am a freshman, and a member of the honors program. So far, it hasn’t been difficult to maintain a 3.2 gpa, since the 3.2 is for the whole year overall, and not just a semester. You can be in the honors program, and not take any honors classes, so your workload doesn’t have to change…you just have the option if you so choose. </p>

<p>To be honest, I recommend the honors program solely for the reason of priority registration. I got to register around Nov. 1st, along with the seniors, and more than a month later, my fellow freshman registered, and there were barely any classes left for them.</p>

<p>The only mandatory class you have to take in the honors program is during the first semester. It’s called the Honors Colloquium, and it’s a pass/fail lecture class that meets once a week. Boring but easy. </p>

<p>Anyway, I recommend the program :]</p>

<p>Even though you only need to take the one honors colloquium, you can only graduate with “honors” if you take the required 18 semester hours of honors classes, correct?</p>

<p>there are a couple ways to graduate with honors…one is to do an “honors in the major” thesis/project. the other ways are listed on the honors page…i can’t think of them off the top of my head, sorry…</p>