<p>Now that my interesting title has caught you, you have no choice but to answer!!</p>
<p>Anyways when I sent in my common app I put my personal essay where my engineering essay should be and my engineering essay where my personal essay should be. Hmmm... I intend to call them on thursday (according to an admissions help person I called on Tuesday) to fix this</p>
<p>Then I checked my application today. It said that my scores, my school forms, and my reccomendations weren't in. But my Guidance Counselor mailed them in so I guess I'm ok with the school stuff?</p>
<p>My account shows that I have not sent any scores. Even though I I paid for the scores to get sent to Cornell, Collegeboard kicked me in the face, ate a puppy, and laughed devilishly while shooting the American Flag. </p>
<p>Ok maybe they didn't do all that. Should I tell Collegeboard that they made a mistake? I have a reciept saved as a PDF file. I really don't want to tell my parents any of this... they'll kill me! </p>
<p>I was operating on 0 hours of sleep and an average of maybe 1 hour over the 3 days before sending things in. I don't want to give up but what can I do????</p>
<p>Wow, you’re in a real mess.</p>
<p>Ok, first of all, don’t give up! You’re 17 and almost an adult now; giving up is no longer an option.</p>
<p>Alright, my suggestion is call Cornell first. Tell them that Collegeboard has made a mistake and explain the reason why the scores aren’t in yet. I’m not sure about your essays, hopefully they’ll figure it out and let it slide.</p>
<p>Then call Collegeboard, and tell them about the scores. If you have the receipt (make sure it’s the right one), bring it out and tell them the registered number on it.</p>
<p>Then e-mail or talk to your counselor first thing in the morning. Ask him/her how long ago he/she sent your materials to Cornell.</p>
<p>Last thing, be very calm and serious about it. Don’t freak out.</p>
<p>Okay the essay thing could pose a problem
But you prob dont have to worry about the collegeboard thing bc it takes a while for them to send the scores
Last year, I sent my scores a week before the deadline to ED, but it was fine because they didnt get to my application anyway until much much later since there were sooo many applicants. As long as you kno u def sent it, I think you’re good :)</p>
<p>Just to clarify: it says on Collegeboard.com that you haven’t sent your scores to Cornell? Or it says on the ApplicantID that Cornell hasn’t received them yet?</p>
<p>my recs and transcripts isn’t received either</p>
<p>I won’t give up… even though it’d be so easy to</p>
<p>It looks like the essays are fine now. A friendly admissions officer offered to resolve it.
Hmm I checked the collegeboard and it says that I ordered a question and answer service when I wanted to send my scores. I am in a mess. I don’t want to tell my parents
So here’s my plan
1. contact collegeboard and ask them to cancel my question and answer service and instead send the scores to Cornell
2. get a friend with a credit card to pay and then pay them the money?
3. Contact Cornell and tell them about my scores then get some help from my guidance counselor by monday (maybe sooner) after contacting her by email
4. Tell my parents and hope they don’t crucify me.
5. Threaten to sue collegeboard over my mistake using psychological traps.</p>
<p>Anything I’m overlooking? Should I change the steps somehow ie get a friend should be #1 and I remove #4? bump up #5? I know it’s not funny,sry</p>
<p>Just keep trying to fix everything. Keep in mind: worse scenario? You apply Regular Decision.</p>
<p>I would tell your parents. My parents might be the same way: they generally leave me alone on everything I do (I’ve had to make my own dr appts since freshman year, and then the secretaries are like “who am I speaking to?” and I’m like “the patient.”) They like to be included in some parts of the process (ie-essays), but the actual paperwork and ordering are all up to me.</p>
<p>I would tell them that you had made a mistake that can easily be fixed, that you need a credit card, and that you have it all under control. They might freak out, but at least they’ll know that you have a sense of responsibility for what’s happening. I mean, you’re only human.</p>
<p>Thank you all for your help. I will try out a friend first</p>
<p>And I’ll post up on my progress and whether I need more help.</p>