Should I keep a document of all of the times I have interned, shadowed, and/or assisted on research?

Hello! I am a freshman at Northern Arizona University who is double majoring in Geology with an emphasis in Geophysics and Modern Languages with an emphasis in Spanish. I am also double minoring in astronomy and physics.

I am more than interested in pursuing a career and going further into graduate programs for research programs on the planetary sciences. Specifically, planetary geology. I was wondering if I should keep a documentation of all of the times I intern, shadow, or volunteer to assist with lab research at my university and/or at other places? I would like to get into a top research graduate program, and although I am only a freshman. I would like to be prepared for what is to come.

I am not sure if graduate programs would only care for the internships I complete, or should I be adding all of the other research opportunities I help on? I am already shadowing a phenomenal planetary geologist at NAU, and I am planning to shadow him further throughout the fall semester, and assist on his as well as others research in the spring.

I would be thankful for any sort of feedback!

Keeping an aide memoire makes sense- as a reference. It’s easy to forget what equipment you’ve trained on, the computing languages you’ve used, the publications that you were involved with. An easy way to do that is to create a ‘Master’ CV, in which you list everything you did at each place- and then editeditedit that Master CV for each app. .

In real life, your REU and grad school applications are not going to reference every detail. When you have a specific something you are applying for (REU calls will be going out by December) you go back to your aide memoire or Master CV, and pull out the pieces that relate to the role you are applying for. But you will never, ever put all of that detail in an app! Knowing what to pull forward and what to leave back is part of the art of applications (same as it was for college).