Should I make my schedule more rigorous?

<p>For 12th grade/Senior year I am taking 5 out of 7 courses, three are AP and two are Honors. The other two spots are: study hall and teacher aid. I am also taking a class at a CC which counts as an AP. Should I take another class or two to make my schedule more rigorous or is it fine as is?</p>

<p>Nope, you’re good.</p>

<p>If I were you I’d add one more class. Otherwise you’re good. Of course it depends on the college you want.</p>

<p>I guess it depends on what colleges you want to go to. But realize that senioritis is <em>real</em> and if you’ve already proved yourself in the past, you’re good right now. One extra class won’t really change anything unless it’s AP, which will probably just hurt you. You’ll have to divide your time up more, which could lower your grade in other classes. Even if you do well with the extra class, the reward won’t outweigh the sacrifice.</p>