<p>So my junior year my AP Biology teacher had to get treatment for cancer and missed a lot of class time, especially for about three months between january to march. Her extended substitute was basically horrible and knew very little biology, so we basically had to teach ourselves for the AP exam. I managed a 4 on the exam in this capacity, and I believe I was the only one in the class who even got that high, most people got 2s. Should I have a short explanation for this in the additional information?</p>
<p>no. </p>
<p>i don’t understand. are you explaining why you got a 4 instead of a 5? or why your classmates all got low scores? </p>
<p>in any case, it’s a bad idea. do not do it.</p>
<p>No, definitely forget about it. Your 4 will DEFINITELY not matter in the scheme of things, and writing something like this will make you sound immature. </p>
<p>Don’t get me wrong =] I was a very score-obsessed fellow back then too, and don’t really think the way they do admissions is wonderful…but those guys don’t want to hear about your test scores, I can be certain in saying that much.</p>
<p>All the best!</p>
<p>Your counselor should write about this, not you. You should only write personal things concerning your life, family, financial situation, etc. in Additional Info. All school-related things (aside from personal illnesses and such) should be written up in the counselor rec.</p>
<p>ok thanks yea i didn’t put that down.</p>