Would it be a poor choice to post pictures of college visits on social media when other colleges could view my accounts and see these posts? Am I overthinking this?
I’ve gone on one college visit so far, and I made an ambiguous post on Instagram mentioning where I was, but not including the college’s name. The picture also didn’t have any part of the college in it. I was paranoid since several organizations of another college I will be applying to is following me on that account.
Why is your social media not private?
Last weekend me and my son attended Stonehill open house, they invite us to post tour’s photos on our social media.
Any College is different, but, be respectful, and I don’t think you have any problem.
@VickiSoCal It is private, but I have organizations from schools that I will be applying to following me on that account.
Don’t see what the issue is here. Each college hurts hundreds and thousands of applicants with rejection or waitlist letters and you don’t think they can handle you paying attention to another college on social media? 
Colleges know that you are going to apply to other schools. But why post anything at all?