Should I reapply to my waitlisted schools?

I have a friend with the same scenario.
Waitlisted for a HADES school, then reapplied the following year and was accepted as a repeat freshman.

Heard that Hill’s applications & yield , as well as some other better managed schools , exploded this year , resulting in significant over - enrollment for 2021 -22 . Parents and applicants paying close attention to how a particular school managed their way through the challenging 2020 -21 academic year as well as resulting academic & student experience. Some leading schools had to alter plans during the course of the 2020-21 year…not ideal.

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at Hill, we overenrolled 30 kids and as a result, had to bring in a new dorm to avoid triples :grimacing:

I was told yield skyrocketed.
I’m assuming this is because we managed Covid very well. We created an H-term, which parents and students loved. We’re even keeping it for the school years to come!(Just not doing it virtually) If anyone wants to know more about it, feel free to PM me.

I was not at Hill for the 2020-21 school year, but my friends have all told me what a great job they’ve done with the virus. Some parents my mom met from Hill said the same!

I love how you and Hill are now “we”! Glad you’re so happy.