<p>So I signed a TAG contract for Davis with a counselor and when I got the confirmation letter it said that I need to take Bio 185 (Diversity of Organisms) next semester in order for them to honor the TAG. The thing is, my first choice is UCSD and THEY don't have Bio 185 as one of their prereqs for bio majors. Instead, they have Biology 280 (Evolutionary Ecology) as one of the prerequisites so I registered for that instead. So should I just uncheck the TAG box for Davis since they would most likely reject me when I don't take the Bio 185 class....they say "I must complete the following required course(s) by the end of spring 2010 term to meet the TAG conditions of your admission." I'm gonna be doing TAG for UCSD anyway so I thought I might as well finish up their prerequisites.</p>
<p>My advice would be to pick the school you most want to attend, and take the courses required for that ( from what I read I take it that UCSD), why do you care about getting into another school, if you’ve TAGGed into your top choice school.</p>
<p>Yeah, makes sense, I’m only applying to UCI and UCSD now.</p>