Should I request a re-score?

I just recently received my IB results, and I got the diploma (yay!), but when I looked at my history score, I noticed that I was 1 mark away from getting a 6, which, at the college I’m going to, means that I was 1 mark away from starting my freshman year with 6 history credits instead of 0.

IB allows you to request a re-score, but what’s holding me back is that I’ve heard that the request costs $114 (I read this on an unofficial forum though; I’m still waiting for my coordinator to verify this). I also heard that the $114 is refunded if your score changes (i.e. from a 5 to a 6), but if your score doesn’t change, they keep the money, of course. Assuming all this is true, and bearing in mind the fact that my college gave me a grant that covers the total cost of attendance (so the actual history classes would be free)… should I risk it?

I mean is there any actual risk other than the $114?

Are you going down a path that will require more history classes? ( That these 6 credits would be the pre-req for) Do these credits fulfill a requirement? Or is it just extra (gen ed) credits?

Is there any reason to think that a rescore will make a difference?

@romanigypsyeyes Nope, just the $114. I just did some research on my school’s gen ed requirements and the requirements for all of the majors I’m looking at (all students start off undeclared at my school), and it doesn’t look like the history credits they would give me would count for anything other than elective credits…

@bjkmom Rescore requests are fairly common in IB since they allow you to see your exact number of marks, and for people within 1 mark of a higher score, getting bumped up definitely isn’t unheard of! (Especially for exams like history, where the entire externally assessed portion is composed of essays… so many essays…)